
-the other i.

first project for a first unit in MA FDT London College of Fashion -class of 2010,
the concept is all about an interesting mental illness called

'Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)'

which is a condition in which a single person displays multiple distinct identities or personalities, each with its own pattern of perceiving and interacting with the environment. Also involves the sufferer experiencing at least two clear identities or personality states, each of which has a fairly consistent way of viewing and relating to the world.

'connected', 'attached', and 'overlap'




-line up, and close up


don't you love LDN?

and uk



BIFF&BIL booth

a collage for Bangkok International Fashion and Leather Fair 2009 booth as in name of Fashion Department of Chula. (not confirm yet)
contains every graduated editorial of us 10 fashion students in our year
this will be appear from 13 to 16 August 09 at Challenger Hall, MuangThong Thani

and on 15-16Aug will definitely have a spectacular trade fair sale from tons of talented thai designers,
it is the MUST!